Le case

Epicurea House

Casa Epicurea is the typical little house located where was once a popular neighborhood and today one of the most evocative and romantic places in Scicli. The house is divided into 3 levels: on the ground floor there is a double bedroom with its own bathroom equipped with a shower box with a waterfall shower […]

Casa Epicurea is the typical little house located where was once a popular neighborhood and today one of the most evocative and romantic places in Scicli. The house is divided into 3 levels: on the ground floor there is a double bedroom with its own bathroom equipped with a shower box with a waterfall shower […]

Site Apartment

Site Apartment is the modern attic apartment on the second floor of Site Rooms in Patanè/Favacchio Palace, the 19th century noble building of Scicli Albergo Diffuso. The apartment is on the second floor and is accessible directly from the wonderful frescoed halls of the noble floor of the building, through a staircase in local pitch […]

Site Apartment is the modern attic apartment on the second floor of Site Rooms in Patanè/Favacchio Palace, the 19th century noble building of Scicli Albergo Diffuso. The apartment is on the second floor and is accessible directly from the wonderful frescoed halls of the noble floor of the building, through a staircase in local pitch […]

Gioia’s House

Overlooking the ancient district of Santa Maria la Nova, there are 2 houses next to each other: Casa del Gioia and Casa Stella. Gioia is the Risen Christ who is carried on the shoulders of 200 young people on the streets of the city during Easter Sunday. Gioia’s House is located in a very suggestive […]

Overlooking the ancient district of Santa Maria la Nova, there are 2 houses next to each other: Casa del Gioia and Casa Stella. Gioia is the Risen Christ who is carried on the shoulders of 200 young people on the streets of the city during Easter Sunday. Gioia’s House is located in a very suggestive […]

Patanè Apartment

L’appartamento si trova al secondo piano di uno dei palazzi nobiliari più importanti di Scicli. Ambienti semplici con atmosfere contemporanee che lo rendono funzionale e confortevole.

L’appartamento si trova al secondo piano di uno dei palazzi nobiliari più importanti di Scicli. Ambienti semplici con atmosfere contemporanee che lo rendono funzionale e confortevole.

Le camere

Favacchio – Patanè Palace

In a nobiliar Palace of XIX century are located the Site Rooms of “Scicli Albergo Diffuso”, the ideal set for an amazing travel to discover the history of local nobility. Site Rooms represents the maximum comfort and elegance in the historic center. On the ground floor, are situated the four Deluxe Rooms characterized by the […]

In a nobiliar Palace of XIX century are located the Site Rooms of “Scicli Albergo Diffuso”, the ideal set for an amazing travel to discover the history of local nobility. Site Rooms represents the maximum comfort and elegance in the historic center. On the ground floor, are situated the four Deluxe Rooms characterized by the […]


ViaBotte is located in the heart of the historic center of Scicli behind Via Francesco Mormino Penna, Scicli’s World Heritage street. It is a typical house restored with modern taste, but still preserving the traits of its originality, especially in the Barile, cozy and romantic, characterized by stone vaults and a small alcove that leads […]

ViaBotte is located in the heart of the historic center of Scicli behind Via Francesco Mormino Penna, Scicli’s World Heritage street. It is a typical house restored with modern taste, but still preserving the traits of its originality, especially in the Barile, cozy and romantic, characterized by stone vaults and a small alcove that leads […]

The Garden of Sweet Lemons

In this house there are three types of rooms: Standard, Superior and Exclusive. The Exclusive Rooms are characterized by having a garden for exclusive use with a rare sweet lemon tree, or by an attic room with an original reed and plaster roof or an internal terrace with a view. Arancia – Exclusive Room Arancia […]

In this house there are three types of rooms: Standard, Superior and Exclusive. The Exclusive Rooms are characterized by having a garden for exclusive use with a rare sweet lemon tree, or by an attic room with an original reed and plaster roof or an internal terrace with a view. Arancia – Exclusive Room Arancia […]

Montalbano Palace

Stella, Cielo, Sole and Mare. Four Deluxe rooms for a charming stay in a historic 18th century palace that overlooks Santa Maria La Nova district. Stella Room Stella, like the name of Signora Montalbano. She lived in this building until a few years ago, before opening the doors of her house to hospitality. It is […]

Stella, Cielo, Sole and Mare. Four Deluxe rooms for a charming stay in a historic 18th century palace that overlooks Santa Maria La Nova district. Stella Room Stella, like the name of Signora Montalbano. She lived in this building until a few years ago, before opening the doors of her house to hospitality. It is […]


I colli di Scicli, un mondo tutto da scoprire

Maggio e Giugno sono mesi di passaggio a Scicli e, mentre l’estate è già ampiamente cominciata e il mare è sempre più da vivere, si accavallano la fine di eventi invernali, come la festa della Madonna delle Milizie, l’unica Vergine a cavallo a brandire la spada della cristianità, che l’ultimo sabato di maggio, conclude la […]

Scicli Albergo Diffuso: Premiato come una delle migliori strutture alberghiere del mondo

Scicli Albergo Diffuso è stato riconosciuto come una delle migliori strutture alberghiere del mondo, ottenendo il prestigioso Travelers Choice Award da TripAdvisor nel 2024. Questo riconoscimento conferma la dedizione e l’eccellenza del nostro servizio nell’offrire un’ospitalità autentica e coinvolgente agli ospiti. Il Travelers Choice Award premia le strutture alberghiere in base ai punteggi e alle […]

I ponti di primavera per vivere al meglio la Sicilia sud-orientale

Aprile e Maggio sono i mesi ideali per visitare la Sicilia sud-orientale e le sue bellezze. Storia, archeologia ma anche mare con le prime giornate da trascorrere in spiaggia e natura con splendidi cammini da percorrere al di fuori dei centri urbani. Scicli non si sottrae a questo fascino ed è una meta ideale per […]

Dalla Cavalcata di San Giuseppe a L’Uomu Vivu cantata da Vinicio Capossela. La Settimana Santa di Scicli è all’insegna dei colori e della gioia.

Offerta Scicli Albergo Diffuso dal 15 al 31 marzo a partire da 157€ A marzo Scicli sarà scenario di numerose feste religiose e folkloristiche che, dal 2011, fanno parte del R.E.I.S., il Registro delle Eredità Immateriali della Regione Siciliana, patrocinato e protetto dall’UNESCO per sottolinearne l’immenso valore culturale, sociale e religioso. Si comincia nel fine settimana che va dal […]

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